A wireless invisible pet fence can do more than just keep your dog safe in the yard. It can change the way your dog views his or her home, as well. When the perspective changes, so does the behavior. Reduced anxiety, increased independence, and a new outlook can make your dog more receptive to other training activities.
Look at it from your dog's perspective. He or she is completely dependent on you. On top of this, with above ground fences a dog's view is just one big cage. Like any other animal, a dog responds to a cage with an urge to leave it. Your dog may be misbehaving because he or she does not get enough time with you and the feeling of being trapped in a cage isn't going to help. An invisible fence is the perfect solution.
Once your dog feels safe and does not have the anxiety of having to look at a fence all day, you can start training him or her to do tricks, come when called, stay when directed, and other good dog behaviors. The fence is just the start. You can use the same methods of training as you do with the fence so that you can narrow the behavior changes to specific acts. Your dog will respond well because the lack of a visible fence gives a sense of independence, while the training means your dog gets more time with you. You will find that your dog is calmer and better behaved than ever before.
Bark control systems were created for pet owners who are looking to control the barking of their dog for one reason or another. In some situations this is the only solution, while others involve your own behavior modifications. The first step is to understand the reason behind your dog’s constant barking.
Have you ever had a friend who just never seemed to stop talking? Some dogs are the same way. It is just a part of their personality. For such dogs, bark control systems can be the perfect solution.
Dogs are pack animals and naturally inclined to protect the pack -- in this case, you and your household. Your dog is naturally geared to protect your home. When someone from outside the home arrives, expect your dog to bark. He or she is also going to bark in response to the neighbor's dog. You have limited control over these situations, because changing these situations means changing the nature of the canine.
In other cases, dogs bark because they want your attention for one reason or another. They might be bored, hungry, wanting to go outside, or overly anxious. This type of barking is easily managed. You can spend more time playing with your dog. You can also put your dog on a feeding schedule as well as an outdoor schedule. When your dog gets acclimated to the schedule, he or she won't bark to eat or go outside. Giving your dog more attention will naturally reduce his or her anxiety and craving for attention, and reduce the barking as a result.
Your dog is not jumping on people because he or she is trying to intimidate them, but that doesn't mean it isn't dangerous or annoying. Your dog has claws that can potentially hurt an adult and be catastrophic to a child. There are simple techniques that you can use to train your dog not to jump, from understanding your dog's behavior, to using a remote training system.
Dogs nip each other on the jaw to show affection. They are pack animals and consider you to be in their pack. When they greet you by jumping on you, it's because they want to get close to your face. They will also do this to company. They are excited and mean no harm, but this is a behavior that needs changing. As with any other behavior you want to stop, you can't reward it with attention. Even though you might push the dog away, you are still facing him or her when you do it. That's why the first step is to turn your back to the dog. Encourage visitors to do the same.
Some dogs take longer than others to train or are so big that you need a method that works immediately. You might consider a remote training system. No matter how you stop the behavior, don't forget to reward successes. Dogs are smart animals. They want your attention more than anything else. If they get a reward for behaving well, it does not take long for that behavior to become a habit.
Before becoming a pet owner, it's a good idea to look at the details to see if you can be a responsible pet owner. Pets are wonderful and can bring much comfort, entertainment and companionship to your life, but they have their expenses. You'll need to factor in things like vet expenses and invisible fence costs to determine whether or not you can manage your pet's needs in a responsible way.
Vet expenses: You can cut down on some of these expenses by doing much of the work yourself, provided you are knowledgeable in this area. At least one trip to the vet is necessary for a rabies shot and to learn about other vaccinations and health concerns. However, you can buy other vaccinations at farm stores and do them yourself once a year, along with heartworm and other worm medications. There are even vets who offer low cost neuter and spay services to help cut down on the domestic animal population.
Containment: The in-ground fence systems cost can vary, depending on the type of dog you have, in terms of weight and height, as well as overall stubbornness. Prices range from $129.95 for the most basic set up to $339.95 for the most detailed set up. Although this may seem like a high cost for pet containment, standard fencing and the labor involved is much more expensive and not nearly as effective.
Food: You have to consider the ongoing cost of food for your pet, but you can also reduce this cost by making some of your own treats.
As you can see, there are expenses to consider if you are going to be a responsible pet owner. It's up to you how you manage your pet, but responsible pet owners live guilt-free, and their pets tend to enjoy long healthy lives.
Some people worry about using an underground dog fence because they fear that it isn't fair to the dog since he or she can't see the fence to know their limits. The goal here is to use positive reinforcement to train the dog to stay inside the boundaries. Below is an example of how this can be done.
There are orange cones or flags that come with the kit for the underground fence. Set the cones along the inside of the boundary of the yard. Find a safe area to start training your dog. This should not be near a roadway, but maybe near the edge of the side of the yard. Walk your dog over to the edge near a cone. Encourage your dog to stop at the cone. Reward him or her when he or she stops before the cone. Do this several times. This is the beginning of your dog understanding the boundaries of the yard.
When you invest in your underground dog fence, you and your dog will get custom training that fits the needs of your pet. This will give your pet a chance to become familiar with the boundaries through various senses so that the fence itself is the last stop for the pet and more of a precautionary measure. Our goal is to help you keep your pet safe while still keeping your pet happy. Once the fence is installed, and your dog understands the boundaries, you will find that you both have more freedom than you previously did.
As warm weather approaches, many homeowners will be sodding and seeding—and chemically treating—their lawns. While having a beautiful lawn helps to make the neighborhood look great, many of these chemical treatments can pose serious health risks for dogs. This is why dog fences are particularly important this time of year. If you don't already have a fence in your yard, now may be the time to consider one.
While many people look at pet fencing as a way to keep the neighborhood safe from stray dogs, it is also a way to keep pets safe from things that humans do. Pesticides and lawn treatments can be absorbed through the skin or breathed in by your pets. If your dog happens to graze on grass or flowers that have been treated, the chemicals can attack the gastrointestinal tract.
Some symptoms of poisoning from lawn treatments include difficulty breathing, shaking, abnormal behavior, vomiting, muscle weakness, and dilated pupils. All these symptoms are important to look for, and require a veterinarian's treatment. Of course, you can avoid this if you use proper dog fences in your yard.
Using a fence can keep your dog within a perimeter that you know is safe. Since you are likely to only use treatments that are safe for your pet, you can rest easy knowing that your dog won't become ill because he or she wandered into a neighbor's yard. You'll avoid costly vet bills, and you can ensure that Fido has a long and healthy life in the safety of your yard.
As far as dog behavioral problems go, chasing can be one of the most dangerous. Your dog could end up chasing something into the street. Your dog may end up getting into trouble, or even lost, by chasing something you don't want him or her to, or by getting out of your range. Many methods work, from remote training to leashes, but the specific one you use will depend on the breed as well as your efforts.
Dogs chase as a natural part of their genetic makeup. To curb this behavior, you have to give your dog a reason to stop. In the case of hunting dogs, you also need to teach them when it is okay to chase and when it isn't. Remote training usually works best in such situations.
Sometimes you just need to distract your dog from whatever it is he or she wants to chase. You can do this by making a noise with a clicker, using a training collar, or by being active with your dog in some other way. When in public, it is always best to keep your dog on a leash for safety as well as legal liabilities.
When training your dog without a leash, first distract your dog and then offer him or her positive reinforcement when behaving well and not giving chase. It really is that simple. Remember that your dog is a pack animal and you are the pack. Your dog looks to you for affection and protection. His or her sole purpose is to take care of the pack and retain his or her place in it. This is why positive reinforcement is so effective.